Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happenings in AK

Hello! I have enjoyed reading everyone's updates and I apologize for taking so long to share mine. A lot of you I keep in touch with anyway, but this is more official. I am still settling into life here in Anchorage, but am enjoying it very much!! I am working at the family practice clinic for South Central Foundation, part of the Alaska Native Medical Center. I work as a coverage provider, meaning I see patients when their PCP is out or booked. That means I am either slammed or very very slow. Sometimes I'll see 3 patients in a day, other days will be about 16. It's a humongous place, so many providers I cannot count them all. Probably 1/2 docs and 1/2 "midlevels." Everyone is very nice and helpful, and it's a great learning environment. I'm still learning about my population (all people have to be of native blood), and overall it's very interesting. I do not yet have any part in village care but hopefully in the future I will be involved in it. I mostly see normal stuff: colds, arthritis, PAIN I WANT MORE PAIN MEDICINE SO I CAN SELL IT DOWNTOWN PAIN. I also see too many STDs. There is a guy that works in the clinic whose only job is to track down the STD+ patients and get them treated. And let's just say he's a pretty busy guy. Of course there are other issues here and there that keep things interesting. Some days I absolutely love it, and others I am missing the excitement of sticking a big needle in someone's chest and praying fluid comes out. It took approximately forever to get my license all squared away, so I am still in the process of figuring out if this is ultimately the place for me. I plan to give it a year and then re-assess.

(The picture up there is Anchorage from the mountains. It's hard to see ... reminds you how isolated it is!)

As for my personal life, that's is going good as well. I met a wonderful man almost right after I moved up here, and we've been together for about 5 1/2 months now. It's fun to have someone to share all the ups and downs with when you start a new part of your life like this. We'll see what comes of it, but so far so good! I bought a condo as well, and would post pictures but I'm embarrassed to still not have much furniture. I'm been using my sister's for the last few months but now that they also bought a new house, they're asking for their furniture back. I will post some pictures once I get all settled in, because it's an awesome place! Being back in Alaska has its ups and downs. It's as beautiful as ever and I just cannot wait for the summer time! Luckily we're actually starting to gain daylight and that is making a huge difference. The bad news is that I am still hurting from a rolled ankle back in August and just got an MRI last Friday to evaluate for a stress fracture. I have barely skied since I've been home, and running is out of the question. I hope to be all healed by the summer time, but it has put a bit of a damper on my winter activities.

I am excited to keep in touch with everyone - and see people pop out those babies!! Not me anytime soon, but it's going to be fun to see mini-PA08'ers!!

I hope everyone is doing well. And remember, you all are invited to come visit me (I suggest June/July of 2010)...
I miss you!!!

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