Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Batter up Troy

Well, in the light of Jeromy's good news, thought we would pass on our own. WE HAVE A BABY BOY. Bruin Briggs Carnahan was born 3-2-09 after 15.5 hours of unmedicated hard work by the rockstart mom. It was the most exciting, terrifying, exhausting day of my life, and I was just the birth coach. His heart rate stayed pretty low for about the last 3-4 hours of labor and then really decellerated into the 70's in the end. We were millimeters away from a crash c-section but Amelia got him out finally with a little vacuum help. He came out totally fine; kicking and screaming on mom's chest. What a relief and an amazing experience. Amelia felt substantially better yesterday after hardly being able to walk after the birth. We are home today and everyone is happy. These are really early pictures...I'll post some new ones after I download. Love you all.

7:27 pm
7lbs 12oz.
20.75 inches long
Portlanders: Give me a call if you want to give him a squeeze. 503-810-6362. I am taking another week and a half off and we are going just going to get used to this whole parenting things.


Adam said...

Congrats Clay- I knew the perfect couple would make the perfect baby. Very happy for you guys!!

Rochelle said...

Congratulations on your beautiful little baby. I definitely would love to meet the little guy! Enjoy:)

emily said...

Congratulations Clay and Amelia! He is beautiful. I hope to meet him some day. Have fun!