Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hey gang,

Didn't want to let you down, Adam, so here goes;

Kendra, porter and I are doing great! she is getting bigger at 23 weeks of prego's. It is very apparent on her small 5'4" frame. She is complication free and loving shopping for baby clothes.
I picked-up another day at the local community medicine clinic in Mt. shasta; so now I work Thursday and Friday. It's pretty busy there, and sometimes I'll take a walk-in during lunch, if it's an urgent matter. The patient population has very low income, and generally no insurance; so they tend to be very needy and require a lot of attention. I usually get a call from a psych patient, at least once a day.

Ortho in Yreka is also going well. Today I was alone again, seeing both Dr. Eastman's and Dr. Bullock's patients. I am beginning to feel more comfortable managing orthopedic problems. I have been administering a lot of joint injections, and trigger finger injections. Today I did two Euflexxa knee injections that went great....I am getting the touch.

We are finally settled into our new rental house/cabin. I have been chopping lots of firewood in preparation for this winter, as it's our only source of heat. I have also been spending my spare time, helping my bro and his wife build their house. It's only 2 miles from us...the view is awesome from their place, but very cold! We have to bundle up with multiple layers just to work on the house.

attached is view of shasta from our deck.... Also, we hiked to a really cool waterfall in the area called mossbrae falls. I took a long exposure with film speed set at 50....for you camera nerds.

love you all.

cheers, and happy turkey day

-t.b .

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