Sunday, September 28, 2008

Work, Construction, Babies, and more work.

Hello Gang,

Great to hear from some of you, and I hope that the rest of you are enjoying your new freedom and travel.

As for has been busy. I began working two weeks ago, mon-wed, at an orthopedic clinic, just north of Mt. Shasta, in Yreka. The first day, I mostly shadowed....but the next day, my boss got called into emergency surgery, so I was left alone to see the remaining afternoon patient load. It was scary at best! I am realizing how much I have yet to learn in the ortho world.

I began my other part time job, working in the local community health care clinic, in Mt. Shasta, this last Friday. A couple of the providers were on vacation, while all the others were taking the day off. I arrived in the morning expecting to shadow for the day. Instead, they gave me a nurse to work with, showed me the lab and drug cabinet, gave me a desk and Dictaphone, and patient list for the day. I was in shock. At least they scheduled a bunch of H&P's and work/DMV physicals, so it wasn't too bad. As stressful as it was, I have to say, I enjoyed the new freedom. Plus, the first pay check is going to be nice!! So far, I am scheduled to work 3 days ortho, and 1-2 days community clinic per week....which is pretty cool.

Kendra is getting bigger. The ultrasound images were amazing to watch; I could see the little bugger moving around and kicking. She is about 14 weeks along, and so far feeling terrific. She begins her job today, working as an aid in the local physical therapy clinic....which is not her first choice, however we are both stoked since it's difficult finding jobs down here. She has 6 years of PT aid experience; so she will fit right in.

As for our new property; we are nearly finished with the pump shed, and done hanging the gate. We purchased a new tractor for snow removal and construction. I have been falling old, dead trees on the property with my new chainsaw....we need fire wood for the winter. I am a regular lumberjack these days. We are currently waiting for our rental cabin to open up, which should be October 7th....and cain't wait to move out of our parents 5th wheel trailer. It's getting cold in the mornings, and 1.5 months of trailer life is getting to us a bit. :)

Anyhow. I'll update the blog again soon. I miss you all, and wish you the best.



1 comment:

Kevin said...

That's awesome. So glad things are going well. I envy your work on the property. It's a very satisfying kind of work.
I'm still unemployed but will be taking the PANCE on the 8th. Not much else to report.